Eat, Fast, Slim : The Life-Changing Fasting Diet for Amazing Weight Loss and  Optimum Health - Amanda Hamilton

Eat, Fast, Slim

The Life-Changing Fasting Diet for Amazing Weight Loss and Optimum Health

By: Amanda Hamilton

Paperback | 11 April 2013

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Traditional diet lore dictates that we shouldn't skip meals. But amazing new findings show that short bursts of fasting, created by lengthening the gaps between eating, can lead to the ultimate fat-burning state - this is intermittent fasting (IF).

It's a truth that body-builders and top athletes have known for years but scientists are now confirming that fasting accelerates fat loss and shifts weight from stubborn areas too. What's more, you'll find that you sleep better, have more energy, slow down your ageing and even improve your long-standing health problems through fine-tuning your body's repair mechanisms.

Amanda Hamilton's Eat, Fast, Slim contains a choice of diet plans which allow you to tailor the diet according to your lifestyle and 'weight-loss personality'. You can choose Plan A, a daily fast of 16 hours (so you'll skip either dinner or breakfast), starting with once a week and working up to more frequent fasts. Or you can follow Plan B, a full day fast, twice a week, during which you'll eat one evening meal. But there's freedom in the plans so you can graze, rather than sitting down to main meals, and you can of course add an exercise element to your routine whilst fasting. On top of this, you can follow Plan C to enhance the fasts with juicing and other boosting techniques.

Interspersed throughout the book, Amanda tells the story of how she found her way to IF, from her introduction to fasting on a meditation retreat in the Himalayas to her work with the system in her weight-loss clinic. She reveals the latest scientific findings that support the physical, mental and spiritual benefits of structured fasting, describes how the plans were created, and the results that the reader can expect. IF may pay homage to a practice that has been adopted by spiritual practitioners for thousands of years but it's never been more needed than right here, right now.

About the Author

Broadcaster and nutritionist Amanda Hamilton is one of the UK's most recognised personalities in health and well-being. In demand both in the UK and the abroad, she is well known for her work on TV and in other media. She originated and presented seven health-based TV series that have now been shown in 22 countries around the world. She has a large online following through her own weight loss programme with tens of thousands of members. A regular contributor to national press and author of two books on nutrition (Life Detox and Life-Changing Weight Loss), she is a member of the British Association of Nutritional Therapists and adviser on the Scottish Government's Curriculum for Excellence. She is a member of the Guild of Health Writers.
Industry Reviews
'Amanda's diet adds years to your life and life to your years.' Professor Ian Philp, MD, CBE

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