Ella and Olivia : Super Sweet Stories : Ella and Olivia Bind-Up - Yvette Poshoglian

Ella and Olivia : Super Sweet Stories

By: Yvette Poshoglian, Danielle McDonald (Illustrator)

Paperback | 1 December 2013 | Edition Number 1

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Meet Ella and Olivia. Big sister. Little sister. Best Friends. Ella and Olivia live with their mum and dad, and little brother, Max. The sisters have all kinds of adventures together! Ella and Olivia love to have fun together! They play games, swap secrets and always help each other. Read all about their adventures in this second fantastic collection of stories: Puppy Trouble, The Big Sleepover, Pony Problem and Cool Kitties.

Other Books By Yvette Poshoglian

Munch Lunch : Ella's World: Book 3 - Yvette Poshoglian
Ella and Olivia : Forever Fun 4-Book Collection - Yvette Poshoglian
Perfect Harmony : Ella and Olivia - Yvette Poshoglian
Ella and Olivia : Sweet Sisters Treasury : Ella and Olivia - Yvette Poshoglian
Ella's World : Big Kids : Book 2 - Yvette Poshoglian

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