Elsie & Pooka Stories of the Sabbats and Seasons : Yule & Imbolc - Lora Craig-Gaddis

Elsie & Pooka Stories of the Sabbats and Seasons

Yule & Imbolc

By: Lora Craig-Gaddis

Paperback | 6 November 2014

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Elsie is a young witch and herbalist. Her best friend and familiar is Pooka, a small mischievous black cat. In this book, children will be taught by Elsie and learn along with Pooka about Yule and Imbolc - through fun stories, crafts and activities. There are even pictures to color! Elsie, with her patience and gentle wisdom, provides a positive role model and instructor while children identify with Pooka, the little cat. He asks questions. He makes them laugh. Sometimes he even gets into trouble. They learn as he learns. Perhaps, Pooka is the magical child in all of us...

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