Emanuel Law Outlines for Criminal Law : The Emanuel Law Outlines Series - Steven L Emanuel

Emanuel Law Outlines for Criminal Law

By: Steven L Emanuel

Paperback | 8 April 2015 | Edition Number 8

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The most trusted name in law school outlines, Emanuel Law Outlines were developed while Steve Emanuel was a student at Harvard Law and were the first to approach each course from the point of view of the student. Invaluable for use throughout your course and again at exam time, Emanuel Law Outlines are well-correlated to all major casebooks to help you to create your own outlines. Sophisticated yet easy to understand, each guide includes both capsule and detailed explanations of critical issues, topics, and black letter law you must know to master the course. Quiz Yourself QandAs, Essay QandAs, and Exam Tips give you ample opportunity to test your knowledge throughout the semester and leading up to the exam. Every title in the series is frequently updated and reviewed against new developments and recent cases covered in the leading casebooks. Emanuel Law Outlines provide a comprehensive breakdown of the law, more sweeping than most, for your entire study process.

For more than thirty years, Emanuel Law Outlines have been the most trusted name in law school outlines. Here s why:

  • Developed by Steve Emanuel when he was a law school student at Harvard, Emanuel Law Outlines became popular with other law students and spawned an industry of reliable study aids. (Having passed the California bar as well, Steve Emanuel is now a member of the New York, Connecticut, Maryland, and Virginia bars.)
  • Each Outline is valuable throughout the course and again at exam time.
  • Outline chapters provide comprehensive coverage of the topics, cases, and black letter law covered in the course and major casebooks, written in a way you can easily understand.
  • The Quiz Yourself QandA in each chapter and the Essay QandA at the end provide ample opportunity to test your knowledge throughout the semester.
  • Exam Tips alert you to the issues that commonly pop up on exams and to the fact patterns commonly used to test those items.
  • The Capsule Summary an excellent exam preparation tool provides a quick review of the key concepts covered in the course.
  • The comprehensive coverage is more sweeping than most outlines.
  • Each Emanuel Law Outline is correlated to the leading casebooks.
  • Every title is frequently updated and reviewed against new developments and recent cases covered in the leading casebooks.
  • Tight uniformity of writing style and approach means that if you use one of these guides, you can be confident that the others will be of similar quality.

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