Emperor of Mu : Book One: Saga of the Six Realms - Keith Wickham

Emperor of Mu

Book One: Saga of the Six Realms

Narrated by: Keith Wickham

Author: Jason Beveridge

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When Emperor Constantine is gruesomely assassinated, fingers point at who is responsible.

Amidst this turmoil, the rulers of the Six Realms must choose who among them will ascend the Lonely Throne.

Meanwhile, in the outlands, the old races stir. The hunt for those with forbidden dark elf blood threatens another elvan war.

After a three hundred cycle absence, dragons are sighted in the north.

In the desert lands, the fearless Imanishi defend the empire from the night demons, and South of Mu, the sea people consolidate their newly taken homeland.

Set in the medieval world of Mu, where the powers of the mages and mind-magic set apart the extraordinary, this epic saga of rivalry, romance, and battles between race and kind alike, will keep you guessing with its twists and turns.

Who is destined to become the next Emperor of Mu?

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