Enological Chemistry is written for the professional enologist tasked with finding the right balance of compounds to create or improve wine products. Related titles lack the appropriate focus for this audience, according to reviewers, failing either to be as comprehensive on the topic of chemistry, to include chemistry as part of the broader science of wine, or targeting a less scientific audience and including social and historical information not directly pertinent to the understanding of the role of chemistry in successful wine production.
The topics in the book have been sequenced identically with the steps of the winemaking process. Thus, the book describes the most salient compounds involved in each vinification process, their properties and their balance; also, theoretical knowledge is matched with its practical application. The primary aim is to enable the reader to identify the specific compounds behind enological properties and processes, their chemical balance and their influence on the analytical and sensory quality of wine, as well as the physical, chemical and microbiological factors that affect their evolution during the winemaking process.
- Organized according to the winemaking process, guiding reader clearly to application of knowledge
- Describes the most salient compounds involved in each step enabling readers to identify the specific compounds behind properties and processes and effectively work with them
- Provides both theoretical knowledge and practical application providing a strong starting point for further research and development
Industry Reviews
"Moreno and Peinado draw material from lectures and laboratory sessions in a course on wine chemistry they have taught to enology students for over 10 years. The textbook synthesizes the considerable scientific knowledge that has been acquired about making wine, much of which has not been widely disseminated."--Reference and Research Book News, December 2012