Environmentally Sustainable Leadership : Past, Present, and Future - Benjamin W. Redekop

Environmentally Sustainable Leadership

Past, Present, and Future

By: Benjamin W. Redekop

Paperback | 8 October 2024

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Benjamin Redekop expertly presents a comprehensive overview of the rise and evolution of environmentally sustainable leadership from the early 19th century to the present day. Redekop not only assesses the approaches of various historical and contemporary leaders, but also provides a foundation for understanding the challenges, dilemmas, and opportunities for sustainable leadership today.

Through the lens of contemporary theories and models of leadership, including the Eco-Leadership paradigm, this erudite book highlights the development of various forms and styles of sustainable and unsustainable leadership. Incorporating real-world examples, chapters provide in-depth analyses of individual leaders and their influence while paying close attention to other factors in the leadership process. Redekop explores the notion of environmentally sustainable leadership from numerous perspectives and in a variety of historical, geographical, and theoretical settings.

This book will prove essential to researchers, academics and students interested in business and management, politics and public policy, business leadership, corporate social responsibility, management and sustainability, and environmental management. It will also appeal to those looking to better understand environmental leadership and the history of the environmental movement.

Industry Reviews
'Environmentally Sustainable Leadership offers an analysis of well more than a dozen leaders in environmental conservation, from Ralph Waldo Emerson and Theodore Roosevelt to Marjory Stoneman Douglas and Bill McKibben in a way that is both narratively compelling and conceptually rich. It functions not only as an academic volume but also as a guidebook for effective action.' -- Benjamin T. Lynerd, Christopher Newport University, US
'This book acts like a mature compost, providing a rich source of nutrients that feeds our thinking about what environmental and sustainable leadership really means. More than this, it offers examples of leaders and leadership approaches, to help us navigate new ways for environmentally sustainable leadership to be practiced. Our radical task is to develop a new leadership capacity that can act to prevent climate catastrophe; this book is essential reading to make this possible.' -- Simon Western, The Eco-Leadership Institute, Ireland
'Redekop's insightful new work brilliantly extends his ongoing exploration of the theories and practice of environmental leadership. It offers a bridge between critical strains of leadership scholarship, emphasizing connections between circumstance and influence. Understanding how the historical context of environmental leadership influences practice is critical in this uncertain time.' -- Deborah Rigling Gallagher, Duke University, US
'Redekop provides inspiring examples of those who have led the way in considering the natural world as a fundamental component of the leadership process. His insights into contemporary theories and models provide readers with practical strategies to help compel others to live in harmony with their environment.' -- Robert M. McManus, Muskingum University, US
'Redekop reveals past and current foundations of environmentally sustainable leadership: a set of concepts and practices built for creative destruction of the industrial leadership paradigm. Drawing on biographical, historical, and social sciences approaches, Redekop's work is accessible, insightful, and highly relevant to those who would lead toward sustainability and justice.' -- Tina Lynn Evans, Colorado Mountain College, US
'Ben is a true student of history and in this book we all benefit from it. By 'limiting' his scope to examining the competing narratives of sustainability and environmental leadership in the United States, he has crafted a crucial and highly engaging contribution to our growing understanding of what sustainable leadership was, is, and can be.' -- Rian Satterwhite, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, US
'In this brilliant and elegant book, Benjamin Redekop critiques the prevailing American model of what he terms "unsustainable leadership," and argues for a new understanding, arising from the ideas and insights of pioneering women like Rachel Carson and Marjory Stoneman Douglas, that puts sustainability and respect for the natural world at the center of the leader's work.' -- Michael Harvey, Washington College, US

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