Essential Ayurveda : What it is, What it Can Do for You - Shubhra Krishan

Essential Ayurveda

What it is, What it Can Do for You

By: Shubhra Krishan

Paperback | 14 February 2003

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Ayurveda is perhaps one of the most popular "holistic" health practices in the United States. Based on 5,000 years of practice and observation and popularized in part in the works of Deepak Chopra, "ayurveda" translates into "the science of life" and takes into account the spiritual, mental, and physcial aspects of health. After a brief definition of ayurveda and the basic elements, ESSENTIAL AYURVEDA outlines the practical steps any person can take to become healthier.

According to the author, "ayurveda" is a verb. The book is set up with simple suggestions to get readers started on the path to good health. As Shubhra writes, "attack your goal of great health in bite-sized chunks, and you’ll get there without ever overstepping your comfort zone. In concrete terms, to "do" Ayurveda is to make healthy choices in daily life. These choices can be as simple as choosing fresh fruit over a donut, choosing a health magazine over a horror novel, choosing to sleep instead of watching late night television."

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