Ethereum Smart Contract Development in Solidity - Gavin Zheng
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Ethereum Smart Contract Development in Solidity

By: Gavin Zheng, Longxiang Gao, Liqun Huang, Jian Guan

Paperback | 1 September 2020

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Gavin Zheng is a longtime coder, hacker, full stack developer, educator and active open source community contributor. He is now enthusiastic and active in promoting and exploring BlockChain technologies, including Ethereum Solidity programming, Decentralized APP, Zero Knowledge proof, Rust, Crypto Exchange and MEX, VM, Quantitative Financing, etc. In the course of his career, he has worked on the majority of mainstream programming languages/frameworks, such as .Net/Java/J2EE/Python/Golang/ Rust/Ruby, and he has a multidisciplinary background merging Computer Science, Statistics/Mathematics, Quantitative Finance and Marketing.

He is currently the chief scientist of the company power links, where he mainly focuses on applying BlockChain technologies to the energy industry. He obtained his BSc in Computer Science from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), Master's degree from McGill University, and MBA from the Rotman School, University of Toronto (UofT). He speaks Chinese, English, French and Japanese.

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