Ethnoveterinary Medicine : An annotated bibliography of community animal healthcare - Marina Martin

Ethnoveterinary Medicine

An annotated bibliography of community animal healthcare

By: Marina Martin

Paperback | 15 December 2001

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This volume contains some 700 abstracts from around the world relating to peoples animal healthcare, otherwise known as ethnoveterinary medicine. Each abstract, many of the substantial, contains where possible detail of the livestocks disease, the name of the treatment, its method of preparation and administration. The abstracts cover the treatment of animals in 115 countries. The bibliography is aimed at all involved or interested in ethnoveterinary medicine: botanists, animal production professionals, veterinarians, anthropologists, social scientists, rural development professionals and anyone interested in Indigenous Knowledge. This book replaces ethnoveterinary medicine: An annotated bibliography, which was originally published in 1989 as the premier sourcebook in its field and will be of great use and interest to many active in the Indigenous Knowledge field.
Industry Reviews
'A rewarding read with a definitive text that is good value for money.' -- Biological Agriculture and Horticulture "A rewarding read with a definitive text that is good value for money."

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