Teach Yourself Evasive Wilderness Survival!
Learn everything you need to survive in the wild while escaping your enemy.
From stealth movement to covert shelters to finding food and water while on the run, and everything in between.
Evasive survival is the hardest type of wilderness survival there is, and the best type to learn.
Discover all the evasive survival skills you need, because if you can survive under these circumstances, you can survive anything.
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Your Ultimate Wilderness Survival Book
Inside this wilderness survival handbook you will learn how to:
- Make improvised knives and other tools.
- Evade trackers.
- Build evasive wilderness survival shelters.
- Navigate with or without a map and compass.
- Move safely through various terrains.
- Predict the weather and use it to your advantage.
- Find water and wilderness survival foods while leaving as little trace as possible.
- Build covert fires with or without matches.
- Attract rescue without giving away your position to your enemy.
... and many more wilderness survival tips.
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Teach yourself evasive survival, because surviving in the wild is harder when your enemy is chasing you.
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Industry Reviews
Reviews via Amazon
Elsie Pitt
4.0 out of 5 stars
Pretty Good!
Reviewed in the United States on May 13, 2020
Evasive Wilderness Survival Techniques By Sam Fury has a bit of a little of what you can use in the event that you have to evade someone and to acquire skills also not only to evade but to survive. It is a nice start to the basics and if you read this book it offers some good skill sets that could aide you. It was a good read and a lot of it made sense simply.
grayson wilson
5.0 out of 5 stars
To the Point and Great!
Reviewed in the United States on May 8, 2020
Sam Fury has created a great book that not only teaches good survival methods but also teaches methods inherent to evading opponents that may not mean well! Many wonderful survival books merely talk about surviving the elements or dealing with animals, but one must understand the mind of the most dangerous animal: Man. Hopefully, no one who reads this wonderful book will have to utilize its great information, but if you do, it is a great tool in your arsenal!
4.0 out of 5 stars
Learn a few good skills
Reviewed in the United States on May 2, 2020
This is a good start and a good read for anyone into Bush craft survival s.e.r.e. training. It does have quite a lot of info in a fast and short format this is both a boon and a bane. I think a bit more clear instruction will make it a better read. That said there is a lot of newer info not seen in most other books on the topic. Which is why I rated it 4 stars not 5. I would definitely recommend this books to others.