Evening Class : Friendship, holidays, love - the perfect read for summer - Maeve Binchy

Evening Class

Friendship, holidays, love - the perfect read for summer

Author: Maeve Binchy

Read by: Kate Binchy

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The Italian evening class at Mountainview School is like hundreds of others starting up all over the city. But this class has its own special quality - as the focus for the varied hopes and dreams of teacher and pupils alike.

Aidan Dunne needs his new evening class project to succeed almost as much as his pupils do. They too are looking for something more: Bill to find a way to keep spendthrift Lizzie at his side and Fran to make sure that young Kathy finds her way out from behind the kitchen sink.

The key to their success lies with the Signora. Her passion has drawn her from Ireland to Italy and back home again with a burning desire to share her love of all things Italian - and a secret hidden in her heart ...

Read by Kate Binchy

(p) 1996 Orion Publishing Group

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