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Every Day I Pray for My Teenager - Eastman Curtis

Every Day I Pray for My Teenager

By: Eastman Curtis

Paperback | 8 November 1996

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Drugs, Sex, Cheating, Rebellion Your teenager faces these temptations every single day. I know I did. But my own life is a testimony to the tremendous work prayer can accomplish. By the time I was seventeen, I was a drug-selling, campus flunky. Thankfully, I had a grandmother who prayed for me every day, and I am convinced now more than ever that God heard her sustaining prayers and saw her unwavering faith. As a result, I now have a consuming desire to see teenagers serve the Lord with all their hearts. As you pray these scriptural prayers for your teenager and study the accompany Bible verses, you too will discover the crucial role God has predestined your teenager to play in this end-time revival.
About the Author:
Eastman Curtis is author of several best-selling books and is a monthly columnist for Charisma magazine. He has a weekly show on TBN entitled, "This Generation." Eastman has recently aired 30-minute specials on many of the Fox affiliate stations and is now pioneering 60-second salvation commercials on MTV. In addition to his television ministry, Eastman has produced a series of 90-second radio devotionals which have been enjoyed by audiences nationwide for their practical and humorous teachings on real life issues. Eastman is a dynamic and passionate communicator of the gospel of Jesus Christ Using humor and God's Word he brings people to a face-to-face encounter with Jesus Christ and their divine destiny. Eastman ministers in over 50 churches a year to adults and hosts 24 powerful, life-changing weekend crusades every year for teenagers and youth leaders, known as This Generation Conventions. Whether preaching at churches, business meetings or conventions, he communicates the message of hope in Christ with relevance and integrity, making him one of the most sought after speakers in America. Eastman Curtis Ministries is located in Tulsa, Oklahoma where Eastman and Angel Curtis are raising their son and daughter, Sumner and Nicole.

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