Everyday Ethics : The daily decisions you make and how they shape the world - Simon Longstaff

Everyday Ethics

The daily decisions you make and how they shape the world

By: Simon Longstaff

Paperback | 1 July 2017

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Do I buy eggs laid by free-range chooks or the cheaper ones from caged birds? Do I tell my best friend I saw her boyfriend kissing another girl? Do I lie to my mum by telling her I will wear the jumper she bought me, even though it's the ugliest jumper in the world?

Every day our lives are punctuated by points of decision. Some of these decisions will be momentous, remembered for decades: most will go unnoticed, by us and by others. Yet all our choices matter: taken as a whole, they shape our lives and contribute to the rhythms of the world. In Everyday Ethics, Australia's leading authority on ethics, Simon Longstaff, provides a map to help you better navigate the landscape of daily decisions more ethically. Using a broad range of topics and examples to provoke eye-opening reflection and discussion, Everyday Ethics is a lesson in how even our smallest choices can matter, and an empowering guide that will help us discover what is 'good' and what is 'right'.

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