Eyes on Math : A Visual Approach to Teaching Math Concepts - Marian Small
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Eyes on Math

A Visual Approach to Teaching Math Concepts

By: Marian Small, Amy Lin (Illustrator)

Paperback | 30 December 2012

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This new book is an exciting follow-up to the authors' bestsellers on differentiated math instruction, Good Questions and More Good Questions. Eyes on Math is a unique teaching resource that provides engaging, full-colour graphics and pictures with text showing teachers how to use each image to stimulate mathematical teaching conversations around key K-8 concepts. Teachers using the book can download the images for projection onto classroom white boards or screens. The questions and answers will help both students and teachers look more deeply and see the math behind the maths!

For each of more than 120 visuals, the text identifies the key math concept and the Common Core State Standard being addressed and then provides teachers with:
  • Mathematical background and context.
  • Questions to use with students to lead the instructional conversation.
  • Expected answers and explanations of why each question is important.
  • Follow-up extensions to solidify and assess student understanding.
The book will be useful to a broad range of teachers who will find new ways to clarify concepts that students find difficult. It can be used as a resource to prepare teachers for the higher mathematical thinking requirements of the CCSS Mathematical Practices. It will also be an invaluable resource for teachers working with students with low reading ability, including English language learners and special education students.

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