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Eyeshield 21 : Volume 34  - Riichiro Inagaki

Eyeshield 21

Volume 34

By: Riichiro Inagaki

Paperback | 4 January 2011

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Catch all the bone-crushing action and slapstick comedy of Japan's hottest football manga!

Wimpy Sena Kobayakawa has been running away from bullies all his life. But when the football gear comes on, things change--Sena's speed and uncanny ability to elude big bullies just might give him what it takes to become a great high school football hero! Catch all the bone-crushing action and slapstick comedy of Japan's hottest football manga!

The Last of the Deimon Devil Bats

Struggle as he might, Sena has been completely unsuccessful in his attempts to defeat Takeru Yamato's ferocious Caesar's Charge tackle. If the Devil Bats are to stand even the remotest chance of winning, their Eyeshield 21 will need to find a new way around Teikoku High School's ace. Will Sena's newest approach, one that appears to come straight from the fourth dimension, overwhelm Yamato and keep Deimon's hopes for victory alive and kicking?

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