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Fair Day - Alex Dunkin

Fair Day

By: Alex Dunkin

Paperback | 30 November 2017

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What does Australia Day mean to you?

'It's a day when we recognise how lucky we are to be Australian' - Keith

'It's the last public holiday before school returns so it's perfect timing for one last family trip to the beach shack' - Helen

'Double time! Screw patriotism, I'd rather get paid. I'll save my time off for next week.' - Mark

'Bring on the beach, the beer and the babes. Grab the stumps, tie on ya flag and party. This is our day for Aussie pride where we uphold our land and our rights.' - Jonno

Come celebrate Australia Day among locals and visitors at Founders Bay. Immerse yourself in their many and diverse Australia Day customs and beliefs, even as they begin to unravel and residents struggle to hold on to their values, and even their lives.

Industry Reviews

"Fair Day is a celebration of Australia Day but it's also a disturbing warning of how we are evolving - and devolving - as a nation. The comedic situations are all disturbingly familiar, at least initially until they go horribly wrong. There's nought wrong with this book though. It's a highly enjoyable read with a uniquely macabre climax." - Glam Adelaide

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