Fairy Tales : in the Light of Spiritual Investigation - Peter Stebbing

Fairy Tales

in the Light of Spiritual Investigation

By: Peter Stebbing (Translator), James Dennis Stewart (Editor), Rudolf Steiner

Paperback | 21 August 2019

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From the contents of this lecture: "Fairy tales and sagas are comparable to a good angel, granted human beings as a companion from birth on their life's wanderings, to be a trustworthy comrade throughout - offering comradeship, and making life inwardly into a truly ensouled fairy tale "This is a lecture, given by Rudolf Steiner, entitled M rchendichtungen im Lichte der Geistesforschung and contained in the volume Ergebnisse der Geistesforschung (Results of Spiri¬tual Research) GA 62. The series in which this lecture was given at the Architektenhaus in Berlin, may be said to underline its overall importance for Rudolf Steiner: Held February 6th 1913 subsequent to a lecture January 30th on Raphael, it was followed a week later, on February 13th, by a lecture on Leonardo da Vinci.

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