Father Christmas - Bath Book : Usborne Bath Books - Fiona Watt

Father Christmas - Bath Book

By: Fiona Watt

Bath Book | 1 November 2008

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This is a delightfully soft and squashy book specially made for bath time, which will appeal to babies and toddlers.

Children will adore sharing the simple story about Father Christmas who needs a bath after climbing down countless sooty chimneys to deliver presents on Christmas Eve.

Illustrated by Cecilia Johansson, the pages feature bright and colourful images with lots to look at. Light-weight and wipeable, this is a perfect first book for babies wherever they are, not only in the bath!

About the Author

Fiona Watt has authored over 70 titles for Usborne. She completed a Bachelor of Education (Hons), specializing in art and design at Exeter University. After university she worked as a writer and researcher, and then as a teacher in Britain and the Netherlands. She joined Usborne Publishing as an assistant editor in 1989 and is currently the Editorial Director. Fiona lives in London.

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