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Fear - Gillian Wells


By: Gillian Wells

Hardcover | 25 June 2024

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Isla's recent divorce inspires a desire for change, as she uproots her family from a contented city life to relocate them to a remote country town. She takes a new job and is fortunate that an old house is included with it. Her two young girls, Josie and Mia, do not like the move at all and make settling into the town stressful.

No friends or family are close, and Isla and her daughters feel isolated and estranged within the desolate land and alien community. Isla's parents still carry past issues with Isla and her sisters, following the freak death of their brother when they were younger, but present events may heal this rift in the family...

A man living in the foreboding ruin beyond the paddock makes an unexpected and shocking appearance.

Recently released from jail for murdering his wife, which he furiously denies, he wants Isla and her girls out of the house they occupy for reasons unknown to anyone, and he sets out to instigate their FEAR... 

"Another finely written and emotional story by my favourite author who seems able to immerse her characters in realistic situations and experiences that I wonder if it is fact or fiction... brilliant reading!" Sharon, Readalot Reviewer

Industry Reviews

"Another finely written and emotional story by my favourite author who seems able to immerse her characters in realistic situations and experiences that I wonder if it is fact or fiction... brilliant reading!" Sharon, Readalot Reviewer

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