Field Guide to the Tropical Fish of Australia - Rick Stuart-Smith

Field Guide to the Tropical Fish of Australia

By: Rick Stuart-Smith, Graham Edgar, Andrew Green, Ian Shaw

Paperback | 1 November 2015

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Covering almost 1,100 species, often with multiple images for important life stages, this field guide represents the most comprehensive collection of the tropical fishes found on Australian reefs, including the Great Barrier Reef, Coral Sea, Ningaloo Reef, Lord Howe Island and Norfolk Island.

Many of the species covered are also found widely throughout the Indo- Pacific, from the Red Sea, up to Japan and across to French Polynesia, and travellers will also find this book handy, particularly for popular tropical South Pacific destinations.

About the Authors

Authors Rick Stuart-Smith, Graham Edgar, Andrew Green and Ian Shaw have decades worth of collective experience studying and photographing reef fishes around the world, especially through their contributions to the Reef Life Survey program.

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