Fiendish Su Doku - Book 13 : 200 Challenging Sudoku Puzzles - The Times Mind Games

Fiendish Su Doku - Book 13

200 Challenging Sudoku Puzzles

By: The Times Mind Games

Paperback | 9 January 2020

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The latest title in The Times Fiendish Su Doku series – previously unpublished quality Su Doku puzzles. Includes 180 Fiendish and 20 Super Fiendish puzzles.

You don't need to be a mathematical genius to solve the treacherous puzzles in this collection of Fiendishly difficult puzzles – it's simply a question of logic.

Since the first Su Doku puzzle appeared in The Times in November 2004, this classic game of logic has become a phenomenon, with over 5 million copies of the Times Su Doku series sold worldwide.

Perfect for the advanced solver in need of a constant supply of ultra-difficult puzzles, and guaranteed to provide hours of mind-stretching entertainment.

About the Author

The Times is a British daily national newspaper, first published in London in 1785. A daily cryptic crossword is published in the main newspaper, and the Mind Games section in the Times2 supplement contains sudoku, Killer Sudoku, KenKen, word polygon puzzles, and a quick crossword.

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RRP $19.99


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