Financial Aid Sense : Making Sense Out of Financial Aid and the College Financing Process - Jan Marie Combs

Financial Aid Sense

Making Sense Out of Financial Aid and the College Financing Process

By: Jan Marie Combs

Paperback | 27 April 2012

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Figuring out the financial aid process and deciphering the financing aspects of a college education is overwhelming and stressful. Financing decisions that you make today can impact your life well into the future-thus it is vital that you are informed about the many college financing options available. Financial Aid Sense will guide you through the process so that you don't miss out on financial aid opportunities and will help make the financial aid process much easier to understand for you! Financial Aid $ense was created with the clear purpose of providing a resource for the entire college financing process, beginning with the financial aid application process, award letter comparison, determination of bottom line costs, and strategy for paying the bill and related costs. By bringing many resources together in an easy-to-follow format, this guide breaks down a complex process, provides valuable resources, shares money-saving tips as well as strategies for navigating through the college financial aid process. The college admission process is typically at the forefront of people's minds as they think ahead to college, however of equal importance is the financing aspect of a college education. This should be done with as much thought and planning as the admission process a family must begin thinking about the financing aspects of college early on......long before the college acceptance letters are received. The college planning process is a journey! Take Financial Aid $ense along for a better informed journey and have the necessary tools at your fingertips to use along the way! Don't miss out on financial aid opportunities! Financial Aid $ense will guide you through the process and give you valuable information along the way! Fifty percent (50%) of net revenues from this book go directly to support the National GRACE Foundation's mission of providing free college admission and financial aid counseling services to pediatric cancer patients and their families. Financial Aid Sense is also available as an E-Book for Kindle.

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