Financial & Managerial Accounting - Carl Warren
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Financial & Managerial Accounting

By: Carl Warren, Jefferson P Jones, William B. Tayler

Hardcover | 23 January 2025 | Edition Number 17

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Warren/Jones/Tayler's FINANCIAL AND MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING, 17th Edition, provides you with a comprehensive introductory accounting text that lays a solid foundation in accounting. Updated with the latest developments and tools in accounting, this edition emphasizes the importance of accounting in business and connects chapter content to your life through the new 'Why is this important?' feature. The online learning platform, CNOWv2, offers an interactive learning experience that bridges the gap between content, homework and exam performance, allowing you to master essential accounting skills within the context of today's corporate business landscape. Updated, real-world examples, data analytics activities using Excel and Tableau and interactive online resources foster a strong foundation in core accounting concepts.

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