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Find Your Right Job - George Samuel Clason

Find Your Right Job

By: George Samuel Clason

Hardcover | 10 June 2007

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There are certain occupations which each individual is more efficient at than any other.

Psychologists tell us that we are all entitled to earn our bread at labor that is pleasing to us, and furthermore that we cannot be contented at any other kind. Economists tell us that the man who is happy at his work produces far more than his discontented neighbor, and does so with less effort and less fatigue.

Everyone should, work at a job, occupation, or profession that he likes. Yet, inconsistent as it seems, eighty percent of the people of the world are dissatisfied with their jobs. The reader of these lines may be among the number.

In brief, the work at which you are most efficient is the kind of work that you like to do and at which you can accomplish the most. It is likewise the work in which you can find the most happiness, make the most money, achieve the greatest measure of success, and do the most good for your fellow man.

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