List of Illustrations
List of Contributors
List of Abbreviations
Foreword (Zeynep Çelik, Columbia University, USA)
Introduction (Guillemette Crouzet, European University Institute, Italy, and Eva Miller, UCL, UK)
Part One: Travellers and Takers
1. Housing the Mausoleum: British Travellers and Excavation in Bodrum c.1760-1870 (Debbie Challis, Manchester University, UK)
2. Austen Henry Layard and the Cadi's Letter: The Multiple Pasts and Futures of Nineteenth-Century Mosul (Daniel Foliard, University Paris Cite, France)
3. Who Owns the Phoenician Past? German Orientalism and the Politics of Time and Space Across the Mediterranean (Nora Derbal, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel)
4. Near Eastern Studies in Germany and the Complex Involvement of German Jews with 'the Orient' (Thomas Gertzen, Free University of Berlin, Germany)
Part Two: Nationalism and Internationalism
5. Antiquities for 'A' Mandate: Internationalism, the Emergence of a 'Regime of Archaeology' and the Reorganisation of the Middle East, c. 1914-1939 (Billie Melman, Tel Aviv University, Israel)
6. Antique Nationalism: Archaeology and the Construction of the Nation in Egypt, Lebanon, and Israel (Erin O'Halloran, University of Cambridge, UK)
7. Who (or What) is a 'Phoenician'? The Complex History of an Ancient People in a Modern Society (Marwan Kilani, University of Basel, Switzerland)
8. Between Archaeology and Nationalism: The Iran Bastan's Appropriation of the Imperial Museum Paradigm (Solmaz Kive, University of Oregon, USA)
Part Three: Valuing Antiquities
9. The Traders: Archaeology, Family and Fortune between Saïda and Paris (Sarah Griswold, Oklahoma State University, USA)
10. Subjects of Destruction: Preservationism, Extractivism and Cultural Property in Egypt (1882-1939) (Amany Abd el Hameed, Helwan University, Egypt and Robert Vigar, University of Pennsylvania, USA)
11. Who is an Archaeologist? Deconstructing Archaeology in Palestine (Nicole Khayat, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel)
Part Four: Living with Antiquities
12. Excavating Iraq's Past within the Pages of Lughat al-?Arab, 1911-1931 (Laith Shakir, New York University, USA)
13. Dismantling Nablus: the Samaritans, Orientalism and the Mandate Department of Antiquities (Sarah Irving, Staffordshire University, UK)
14. Destructing Middle Eastern and North African Archaeological Practices: An Indigenous Egyptian Counter-Narrative (Heba Abd el Gawad, UCL, UK)
Epilogue (Lynn Meskell, University of Pennsylvania, USA)