In the original classic manga set in a postapocalyptic wasteland ruled by savage gangs, a hero appears to bring justice to the guilty. This warrior named Ken holds the deadly secrets of a mysterious martial art known as Hokuto Shinken—the Divine Fist of the North Star!
In a postapocalyptic world, humanity has risen from the ashes of all-out nuclear war to a nightmare of endless suffering. It is a time of chaos. Warlords and gangs of savage marauders rule the broken ruins of civilization, terrorizing and enslaving the survivors. Life has become a brutal struggle for existence and death the only release.
Ken, the wielder of the legendary Hokuto Shinken martial arts style, once trained with three other students of the technique. One of them, Jagi, could never accept their master’s choice of Ken as the successor. Now Jagi has become a murderous wasteland warlord, terrorizing the innocent…in Ken’s name! Ken must face off with Jagi to clear his reputation and restore the honor of Hokuto Shinken. But Jagi is not the only one of Ken’s former brothers who may be using Hokuto Shinken for evil deeds…
About the Author
Buronson started his career as a manga writer for Weekly Shonen Jump in 1972. He gained popularity with the hard-boiled action series Doberman Cop (with art by Shinji Hiramatsu). In 1983, he coauthored the massively successful Fist of the North Star. He has also written numerous hits under the pen name Sho Fumimura, including Phantom Burai and Sanctuary.
About the Illustrator
Tetsuo Hara began his career with The Iron Don Quixote for Weekly Shonen Jump in 1982. Fist of the North Star, which began serialization in 1983, drew wide acclaim. In the 1990s, he released the historical period pieces Hana no Keiji and Tokugawa Ieyasu's Shadow Warrior. Fist of the Blue Sky, published in 2001, ran for nine years in Weekly Comic Bunch. His most recent series, Ikusa no Ko: Oda Saburou Nobunaga-den, began in Monthly Comic Zenon in 2010.