Preface. Part I: Near the Ginzburg-Landau Temperature. Fluctuation Phenomena in Superconductors; A.A. Varlamov, M. Ausloos. c-Axis Transport in YBa2Cu3O7-delta; O. Rapp, et al. Analysis of the Specific Heat Jump at Tc for SmBa2Cu3O7-delta; T. Plackowski. Fluctuation Conductivity in a-b Plane and Along c-Axis in Films of YBaCuO; S.K. Patapis. Fluctuation Thermoelectric Effect Above the Superconducting Transition; D.V. Livanov. Magnetoresistance in HTSC far above Tc: Fluctuations versus Normal-State Contributions; W. Lang, et al. Electric Field Effects in High-Tc Superconductors; P. Konsin, et al. Effect of Fluctuations on the Thermal Conductivity of High-Tc Superconductors; M. Houssa, et al. Fluctuation Phenomena in BSCCO (2212) Whiskers; I.G. Gorlova, et al. The Fluctuation Induced Pseudogap in the Infrared Optical Conductivity of High Temperature Superconductors; F. Federici, A.A. Varlamov. Specific Heat Studies of Low Dimensional High-Tc Superconductors; A. Carrington, et al. D-Pairing in High Temperature Superconductors: Pro and Contra from the Fluctuation Phenomena Analysis; P. Carretta, et al. Measurements of the Frequency Dependent Microwave Fluctuation Conductivity of Cuprate Thin Film Superconductors; J. Booth, et al. Fluctuation Phenomena in Tunnel and Josephson Junctions; A. Barone, A.A. Varlamov. The Role of Density of States Fluctuations on the c-Axis Resistivity of High Tc Superconductors; G. Balestrino, et al. Part II: Near the Vortex-Lattice Melting Transition. The Effect of Disorder on Melting and Decoupling Transitions in Layered Superconductors; N.K. Wilkin, H.J. Jensen. Vortex Line Fluctuations and Phase Transitions in Type II Superconductors; Tao Chen, S. Teitel. Flux Lattice Melting in the Lowest Landau Level Approximation: Results in Three Dimensions; D. Stroud, R. Sasik. Fluctuational Contribution to the Resistivity in YBa2Cu3O7-d in Magnetic Fields; E. Silva, et al. Low Field Fluctuation Magnetoconductivity in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 and YBa2Cu3O7: Gaussian, Critical, and LLL Scalings; P. Pureur, R. Menegotto Costa. Fluctuation Effects in Mixed State of Type II Superconductor; A.V. Nikulov. Two Dimensional Vortex Fluctuations in High Tc Superconductors; P. Minnhagen. Critical vs Lowest-Landau-level Scaling in the Ginzburg--Landau Theory; I.D. Lawrie. Fluctuations in the Lattice Ginzburg--Landau Model; S.A. Ktitorov, E.S. Babaev. Superconducting Transition Induced by Columnar Disorder in Strong Magnetic Field; I. Herbut. Vortex Fluctuations in Vortex Liquids; G. Carneiro. Magnetic Field Crossover Between 2D and 3D Regimes of Gaussian Fluctuations in Layered Superconductors; A. Buzdin, V. Dorin. Part III: A Little Bit More Theoretical. Aspects of the D-Wave Superconductivity; H. Won, et al. Universal Critical Quantum Properties of Cuprate Superconductors; T. Schneider, J.M. Singer. Theory of Superconducting Fluctuations in the Strong Coupling Model; B.N. Narozhny. Fluctuation Phenomena in Layered Superconductors; R.A. Klemm. Anderson Theorem and Spatial Fluctuations in the Gap of Disordered Superconductors; B.L. Gyorffy, et al. Berezinskii--Kosterlitz--Thouless Transition in Two-Dimensional XXZ Easy-Plane Quantum Heisenberg Magnets; L. Capriotti, et al. Pairing Symmetry and Pairing Interactions in the Cuprates; J.F. Annett. Superconducting Properties of Nb/CuMn Multilayers; C. Attanasio, et al. Index.