1. Water and electrolyte balance in the body: Definition of key terms; F luid distribution within the body compartments; Electrolyte balance in b ody fluid; Water balance and its importance; Ways in which fluid is lost from the body; Ways in which fluid is taken into the body; Normal fluid requirements; 2. Assessment of fluid balance: Definition of key terms; Causes of dehydration; Causes of hypovolaemia; Clinical signs of dehydra tion; Ways of assessing dehydration and hypovolaemia; 3. Acid base bala nce: Significance of acid base balance to the animal; How the body maint ains its pH; How changes to the body?s pH arise; Causes of metabolic aci dosis/alkalosis and respiratory acidosis/alkalosis; 4. Types of fluid av ailable: List of fluids available in the UK; List of constituents in eac h fluid; How fluids differ from each other and why this is significant; 5. Blood administration: When administration of blood is indicated; Bloo d collection; Blood typing; Storage of blood; Blood volume; Blood transf usions; Plasma/blood products; 6. When to use each fluid: Shock ? defini tion and types of shock; Common conditions and when to use each fluid ? tion and types of shock; Common conditions and when to use each fluid -
Industry Reviews
"This is the first book aimed at veterinary nurses and technicians solely on the subject of fluid therapy. With only 110 pages the book is concise but to the point, it offers the reader the opportunity to refer to certain sections quickly, as well as being a very useful study guide for those involved with the S/NVQ veterinary nursing qualification.
The diagrams, I personally think, are excellent, clear, well drawn and easy to follow, especially the one showing placement of an over-the-needle intravenous catheter.
Chapter 5 is titled 'Calculating fluid requirements and flow rates', which is probably the most important chapter in the whole book. This subject area is generally where students tend to struggle in their exams and lose valuable marks.
I highly recommend this book for all students and qualified veterinary nurses to use as an aid for revision and a handy reference guide in practice." Kerry Brennand, Veterinary Nursing Times, July 2004
book is ideal for student veterinary nurses and an excellent reference book for others, including vets. The practical content is comprehensive and would be very useful for veterinary nursing NVQ practical examinations.
The text is clearly written, informative and concise, with clear diagrams, clinical case questions and worked answers - excellent for anyone who has trouble working out drip rates.
I found the chapters on acid-base balance and fluid requirement and flow rate calculations the most useful. They made two complicated subjects easy to understand, with each chapter starting with highlighted key points." Nicola Ackerman, BSc(Hons), VN, Veterinary Nursing, August 2004