Food Supply Chain Management - Jane Eastham
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Food Supply Chain Management

By: Jane Eastham (Editor), Stephen Ball (Editor), Liz Sharples (Editor)

Paperback | 4 September 2001 | Edition Number 1

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The key to the success of a company is their ability to co-ordinate the key supply chain i.e their key suppliers and suppliers of suppliers. 'Food and Drink Supply Chain Management' looks specifically at the supply chain in the food and drink industry to provide readers with an understanding of the areas as it is now and its growing importance, and where it is going in the future.
'Food and Drink Supply Chain Management' is the first to take an in-depth view into the supply chain function in the hospitality and food retail sectors. Authored by a range of expert contributors the text looks at issues such as:
* New food processes and GM foods
* Volume catering and JIT (Just In Time) and Food Safety
* Relationships between companies and with stakeholders and responsibilities to these groups
* The internationalisation of the food chain
* The future of the food and drink supply chain and its management
Examples and case studies from large international retail and hospitality organizations are used, such as: Bass, Stakis (Hilton), and Tesco, amongst others, to illustrate good and bad practice.
First text to look specifically at supply chain management in this industry
International industry case studies from Bass, Stakis (Hilton) and Tesco
Contributions by experts from industry and academia

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