Forbidden Fruit : The Tainted Truth - Roberta Gibson

Forbidden Fruit

The Tainted Truth

By: Roberta Gibson, Family and Friends (Contribution by)

Paperback | 7 June 2023

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Everyone desires to beloved. The more I aged the greater that desire burned in me. I didn't want to end up an old maid. I met a gentleman I thought was God sent. He was much older, we started dating and he swept me off my feet. I knew this would last forever. Being with him I was fulfilled and happier than I have ever been. The sad thing was he had another side. Eventually it is revealed, but my dream colored reality. Then one night God manifested himself to me. He spoke, warning me not to proceed. I didn't want to believe what he was saying. With fear griping my heart I curled up in a fetal position. He told me, he is not your husband. He asked, do you want to be a nurse maid? He is to old for you. You will regret marrying him. That morning I grabbed my belongings and ran like a bat out of hell. Roberta Gibson is a wife, mother, and Nana. Born and raised in Cleveland, a Hough native attending Nazarene Baptist Church on Wade Park. Her education was at Bolton, Mary B. Martin, Addison Jr. high, and East High schools. After graduating she worked as a billing clerk and sold Avon Products. She gained employment at Cleveland Metro Schools working over 30 years. In her later years she attended Cleveland State University for a while, then attending Cuyahoga Community College she obtained a degree in Liberal Arts. Returning back to Cuyahoga Community College she received a Safe Serve Certificate from their Culinary Program. She plans to return to improve her cooking skills and obtain a degree. Her hobbies are cooking, baking, reading, and writing books. For 11 years she served as a Scout Leader with her students. A strong believer of faith, she loves meeting new people and enjoying life.

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