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Ford Falcon & Ford Territory Haynes Repair Manual  : Falcon BA, BF & FG Series / Territory SX & SY Series (2002-2014) - Haynes Manuals

Ford Falcon & Ford Territory Haynes Repair Manual

Falcon BA, BF & FG Series / Territory SX & SY Series (2002-2014)

By: Haynes Manuals

Paperback | 26 May 2016

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Complete coverage for your Ford Falcon and Ford Territory.

With a Haynes Manual, you can do it yourself, from simple maintenance to full repairs. Every Manual is based on a complete stripdown of the car. Our authors and technicians work out the best methods to do a job and present this with the home mechanic in mind. Our Manuals have clear instructions and hundreds of photographs that show each step. Whether you're a beginner or a competent mechanic, you can save money with Haynes!

Each Manual includes:
  • Clear and easy to follow page layout
  • Full procedures written from hands-on experience
  • Easy-to-follow photos, Fault finding information
  • How to make special tools
  • Colour wiring diagrams (where available)
About the Author

The worldwide leader in automotive and motorcycle repair, maintenance and customising manuals with sales of well over 7 million manuals annually and over 150 million total sold globally, Haynes Manuals are a must-read for all car owners. Haynes Manuals are the ultimate DIY guide books for used, collector, and newer vehicles. As one of the most widely read automotive books in the world, Haynes Manuals covers the motoring industry from Alfa Romeo to Volvo, from BMW to Yamaha.

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