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Ford Pick-ups and Bronco (1976-86) : Chilton's Total Car Care Repair Manual - Chilton Automotive Books

Ford Pick-ups and Bronco (1976-86)

By: Chilton Automotive Books

Paperback | 6 June 2001

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The Total Car Care series continues to lead all other do-it-yourself automotive repair manuals. This series offers do-it-yourselfers of all levels TOTAL maintenance, service and repair information in an easy-to-use format. Covers all models of F-150, F-250, F-350, and Bronco (1978-86); 2 and 4 wheel drive; gas and diesel engines.: Based on actual teardowns: Simple step-by-step procedures for engine overhaul, chassis electrical drive train, suspension, steering and more: Trouble codes: Electronic engine controls

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