Fortune Reading Cards Box Set : Reading Cards Series - Sharina Star

Fortune Reading Cards Box Set

By: Sharina Star

Card or Card Deck | 1 October 2014

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We are all born with psychic ability, but, over time, our left brain takes over from the intuitive right brain and we lose our confidence in these abilities and our familiarity with them. The deck consists of 36 Fortune Reading Cards. Each individual card holds one personal or spiritual message. They can be used anywhere, at any time and are particularly fun with groups of friends. Learning to use the Fortune Reading Cards is simple, simply connect to your inner voice and relax and tune in to your psychic powers. Practise as often as you can and before you know it, you will be more psychic than you ever imagined. You will be amazed at the accuracy of your readings.

About the Author

Sharina Star is an Australian Psychic medium to the stars. Sharina currently hosts Psychic Encounters, offering her mystical insight, tarot and numerology abilities.

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