I. Overview, Definitions, Practice, Guidelines, and Critical Issues
1: Albert R. Roberts, Ph.D. and Kenneth Yeager, Ph.D.: Designing, Searching For, Finding, and Implementing Practice-Based Research and Evidence-Based Studies
2: Edward J. Mullen, D.S.W., and David L. Streiner, Ph.D.: The Evidence For and Against Evidence-Based Practice
3: Bruce A. Thyer, Ph.D.: What is Evidence-Based Practice?
4: Kenneth R. Yeager, Ph.D. and Albert R. Roberts, Ph.D.: A Practical Approach to Formulating Evidence-Based Questions in Social Work
5: Kevin Corcoran, Ph.D., J.D. and Vikki L. Vandiver, M.S.W., D.P.H.: Implementing Best Practice and Expert Consensus Procedures
6: Richard N.Rosenthal, M.D.: Overview of Evidence-Based Practices
7: Edward J. Mullen, D.S.W. and William Bacon, Ph.D.: Implementaion of Practice Guidelines and Evidence-Based Treatment: A Survey of Psychiatrists, Psychologists, and Social Workers
8: Enola K. Proctor, Ph.D., Aaron Rosen: Concise Standards for Developing Evidence-Based Practice Guidelines
9: Aron Shlonsky, Ph.D., Leonard Gibbs, Ph.D.: Will the Real Evidence-Based Practice Please Stand Up? Teaching the Process of Evidence-Based Practice to Helping Professions
10: Sophia F. Dziegielewski, Ph.D., Albert R. Roberts, Ph.D.: Health Care Evidence-Based Practice: A Product of Political and Cultural Times
11: Gregory Teague, Ph.D., Thomas Trabin, Ph.D. and Charles Ray, M.Ed.: Building a Common Language in Mental Health Care Delivery
12: Edward J. Mullen, D.S.W.: Facilitating Practitioner Use of Evidence-Based Practice
13: Barbara Thomlinson, Ph.D. and Robin J. Jacobs, M.S.W.: Developing a Systematic Evidence-Based Search Plan for a Client with Co-Occurring Conditions
14: Marjorie E. Weishaar, Ph.D.: A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach to Suicide Risk Reduction in Crisis Intervention
15: William Reid, D.S.W. and Anne E. Fortune, Ph.D.: Task-Centered Practice: An Exemplar of Evidence-Based Practice
16: Craig Winston LeCroy, Ph.D. and Scott Okamoto, Ph.D.: Evidence-Based Practice and Manualized Treatment with Children
17: Carlton Munson, Ph.D.: Evidence-Based Treatment for Traumatized and Abused Children
18: David W. Springer, Ph.D.: Treating Juvenile Delinquents with Conduct Disorder, ADHD, and Oppositional Defiance Disorder
19: Jonathan S. Abramowitz, Ph.D. and Stephanie A. Schwartz, Ph.D.: Evidence-Based Treatments for Obssessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD): Deciding What Treatment Method Works for Whom?
20: Bernard L. Bloom, Ph.D., Kenneth R. Yeager, Ph.D., and Albert R. Roberts, Ph.D.: The Implications of Controlled Outcome Studies on Planned Short-Term Psychotherapy with Depressive Disorders
21: Bernard Bloom, Ph.D., Kenneth R. Yeager, Ph.D., and Albert R. Roberts, Ph.D.: Evidence-Based Practice with Anxiety Disorders: Guidelines Based on 59 Outcome Studies
22: Ellen P. Lukens, Ph.D. and William R. McFarlane, M.D.: Psychoeducation as Evidence-Based Practice: Considerations for Practice, Research, and Policy
23: Kenneth R. Yeager, Ph.D. and Albert R. Roberts, Ph.D.: Mental Illness, Substance Dependence, and Suicidality
24: M. Elizabeth Vonk, Ph.D., Patrick Bordnick, Ph.D., and Ken Graap, M.S.W.: Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy of Persons with PTSD: An Evidence-Based Approach
25: Phyllis Solomon, Ph.D. and Victoria Stanhope, M.S.W.: Recovery: Expanding the Vision of Evidence-Based Practice