Translator’s Preface
1 On the Heart Sutra
1. The Essence, Practice and Realization of Prajna
2. The Heart Sutra
3. The Samadhi of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas
4. The Five Paths, and the Answer in Eleven Parts
i. The Sharp Faculties and the Dull Faculties
ii. Four Matters in the Yogacara Meditation
iii. The Realization on the Path of Merits
iv. The Realization on the Path of Preparation
v. The Realization on the Path of Insight
vi. The Three Doors to Liberation
vii. The Realization on the Path of Practice
viii. The Realization on the Path of Non-Learning
ix. The Realization on the Path of Secret Mantra
5. The Meaning of Prajnaparamita Mantra
6. The Approval and The Rejoicing
2 Nagarjuna’s Fourfold Dependent Arising
1. Emptiness and Dependent Arising
2. The Practice of Fourfold Dependent Arising
i. Overview
ii. Dependent Arising Due to Causality
iii. Dependent Arising Due to Interdependence
iv. Dependent Arising Due to Relativity
v. Dependent Arising Due to Mutual Obstruction
3. Examples Illustrating the Practice
i. Neither Arising Nor Ceasing
ii. Neither Continuous Nor Discrete
iii. Neither One Nor Many
iv. Neither Coming Nor Going
4. Conclusion
The Seventy Stanzas on Emptiness
i. The Preliminary Exposition
ii. Dependent Arising and Emptiness
iii. On Dependent Arising as Non-arising
iv. Emptiness on the Basis of Appearances
v. Emptiness on the Basis of Karma
vi. Illustrating Emptiness on the Basis of Skandhas, Ayatanas, Dhatus
vii. The Practice Along the Path
viii. Concluding Stanzas
The Esoteric Instruction on the Middle Way
The Path of Merits
The Path of Preparation
The Path of Insight
The Path of Practice
The Path of Non-Learning
On the Chinese Translation
3 Maitreya’s Yogacara
1. The Foundation, Path, and Fruition of Yogacara
2. Dharmalaksana
i. Introduction
ii. The Naturelessness of the Appearance of the Three Natures
iii. The Intrinsic Nature of the Three Non-Natures
iv. Change of Basis (Fundamental Transformation)
3. Consciousness-Only (Vijnaptimatrata)
i. Dignaga and Modern Vijnaptimatrata
ii. On the Aspect of Self-Realization
iii. Four Primary Preparatory Practices
iv. Vijnaptimatrata and Dharmalaksana
A Brief Commentary on Trisvabhava-nirdesa
i. An Overview
ii. The Setup
iii. The Three Natures and Their Appearances
iv. Apprehending the Three Natures
v. Concluding Verses
4 Tathagatagarbha
1. What is Tathagatagarbha?
2. Tathagatagarbha and Alaya
3. Nagarjuna on Dharmadhatu
4. No More, No Less
5. Nine Metaphors of Tathagatagarbha
6. The Entrance to Non-Duality
In Praise of Dharmadhatu
Postscript on the Chinese translation