Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations, Small Island Developing States, and Emergency Situations : Technical Guidance Note on Financial Management - Asian Development Bank

Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations, Small Island Developing States, and Emergency Situations

Technical Guidance Note on Financial Management

By: Asian Development Bank

Paperback | 30 March 2025

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The operations of the Asian Development Bank in fragile and conflict-affected situations, small island developing states, and emergency situations are confronted with numerous challenges specific to each country, region, and territory.

Careful consideration is required in these contexts to design tailored project financial management arrangements. This guidance note presents practical and adaptable strategies to tackle the unique financial management obstacles encountered in ADB-funded projects. It also emphasizes the need for sustained engagement, continuous capacity building, and institutional strengthening in developing member countries. This remains a key operational focus for ADB, as outlined in its Strategy 2030.

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