From A Bird's Eye view : Life through poetry - Wadzanai Chiwereza

From A Bird's Eye view

Life through poetry

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This book was written over a period of ten years. These poems are inspirational, they leave the reader with points to ponder. The book is inspired by real life experiences and stories from those around me. The book covers a wide range of topics from family dynamics, love, oppression, xenophobia, discrimination. It touches on issues, that people are not comfortable sharing. The book cover was painted by a great friend, whom I consider a sister, a Kenyan painter and art entrepreneur Wanjiru Kibera. We met in France 10 years ago. So I hope this book will be a full artistic encounter, that will enrich and touch your soul. I hope it will cause reflective thinking.

As, for me the author, I have a Bachelor's degree in French Theatre and Cinema, both practical and theoretical (Arts du Spectacle/Performing Arts) from the prestigious French University : Universite de Grenoble Alpes.

For speaking engagements, you can contact me at


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