1: Benjamin Davis, Sudhanshu Handa, Nicola Hypher, Natalia Winder Rossi, Paul Winters, and Jennifer Yablonski: The Transfer Project, Cash Transfers and Impact Evaluation in Sub-Saharan Africa
PART I: Designing the Cash Transfer Impact Evaluations
2: Anna McCord, Jennifer Yablonski, and Natalia Winder Rossi: The Political Economy of Cash Transfer Evaluations in Sub-Saharan Africa
3: Benjamin Davis and Sudhanshu Handa: Implementing Rigorous Evaluations in the Real World: The Quantitative Approach to Evaluation Design in the Transfer Project
4: Pamela Pozarny and Clair Barrington: Qualitative Methods in Impact Evaluations of Cash Transfer Programmes in the Transfer Project in Sub-Saharan Africa
5: J. Edward Taylor, Karen Thome, and Mateusz Filipski: Local Economy-wide Impact Evaluation of Social Cash Transfer Programmes
PART II: Assessment of Cash Transfer Programmes: Country Case Studies
6: Joanne Bosworth, Carlos Alviar, Luis Corral, Benjamin Davis, Daniel Musembi, Winnie Mwasiaji, Samuel Ochieng, Roger Pearson, Pamela Pozarny, Patrick Ward, and Will Wiseman: The Cash Transfer Programme for Orphans and Vulnerable Children: The Catalyst for Cash Transfers in Kenya
7: Luigi Peter Ragno, Sarah Hague, Sudhanshu Handa, Mawutor Ablo, Afua Twun-Danso, Lawrence Ofori-Addo, Carlos Alviar, Benjamin Davis, Pamela Pozarny, Ramla Attah, and Ed Taylor: Social Protection and the Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty (LEAP) programme in Ghana: Generating Positive Change through the Power of Evidence
8: Roger Pearson, Solomon Afaw, Angela Baschieri, Beyene Birru, Guush Berhane, Ted Chaiban, Benjamin Davis, Stephen Devereux, John Hoddinott, J. Hoel, J. Kagin, Natasha Ledlie, Heshe Lemma, Djanabou Mahonde, Remy Pigois, Pamela Pozarny, Keetie Roelen, Benjamin Schwab, Peter Salama, Ibrahim Sessay , J. Edward Taylor, Fredu Nega Tegebu, Yalem Tsegay, Douglas Webb: The Role of the Tigray Pilot Social Cash Transfer Programme and its Evaluation in the Evolution of the Tigray Social Protection
9: Paul Quarles van Ufford, Charlotte Harland, Stanfield Michelo, Gelson Tembo, Kelley Toole, and Denis Wood: The Role of Impact Evaluation in the Evolution of Zambia's Cash Transfer Programme
10: David Seidenfeld, Lovemore Dumba, Sudhanshu Handa, Leon Muwoni, Hannah Reeves, and Elayn Sammon: Zimbabwe: Using Evidence to Overcome Political and Economic Challenges to Starting a National Unconditional Cash Transfer Program
11: Luca Pellerano, Silvio Daidone, Benjamin Davis, Mohammad Farooq, Mariam Homayoun, Andrew Kardan, Malefetsane Masasa, Ousmane Niang, Bettina Ramirez, and Naquibullah Safi: Does Evidence Matter? Role of the Evaluation of the Child Grants Programme in the Consolidation of the Social Protection Sector in Lesotho
12: Gustavo Angeles, Sara Abdoulayi, Clare Barrington, Sudhanshu Handa, Esmie Kainja, Peter Mvula, Harry Mwamlima, Maxton Tsoka, and Tayllor Spadafora: The Social Cash Transfer Programme of Malawi: The Role of Evaluation from the Pilot to the Expansion
13: Michael Samson, Evelyne Nyokangi, Carolyn J. Heinrich, Lucie Cluver, John Hoddinott, George Laryea-Adjei, Thabani Buthelezi, Maureen Mogotsi, Selwyn Jehoma, Thilde Stevens, and Ingrid van Niekerk: The Impact of a Promise Realized: South Africa's Child Support Grant
PART III: Synthesis of Results
14: Benjamin Davis, Sudhanshu Handa, Nicola Hypher, Natalia Winder Rossi, Paul Winters, and Jennifer Yablonski: Conclusions and Policy Implications for Cash Transfer Programmes