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From Indus to Independence - A Trek Through Indian History : The Classical Age - Dr Kainikara

From Indus to Independence - A Trek Through Indian History

The Classical Age

By: Dr Kainikara

Hardcover | 17 February 2016

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This is the second volume of the Indian history series, From Indus to Independence. This volume covers the period considered the Classical Age to around 600 A.D. It was during this period that the Imperial Gupta dynasty created what can only be described as a Golden Age. The volume also investigates the developments in the fields of art, architecture, literature and philosophy while also examining the immense influence that the Indian kingdoms exercised over South-East Asia. It also examines the lesser known dynasties that ruled smaller kingdoms for brief periods of time, but exerted a great deal of influence on the flow of history. There is also direct reference to the events that were taking place in Peninsular India, a part of Indian history that is often neglected in the broader analysis. This volume stands out for its careful and consistent recounting of the lesser known parts of Indian history in a holistic manner.

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