Part I
Silence Dogood, No. 1, Silence Dogood, No. 2, Silence Dogood, No. 3, Silence Dogood, No. 4, Silence Dogood, No. 6, Silence Dogood, No. 8, Silence Dogood, No. 10, Silence Dogood, No. 12, Silence Dogood, No. 14, On Titles of Honor, Plan for Attaining Moral Perfection
Part II
The Busy-Body, No. 1, The Busy-Body, No. 2, The Busy-Body, No. 3, The Busy-Body, No. 4, The Busy-Body, No. 8
Part III
The Nature and Necessity of a Paper-Currency, Doctrine to be Preached, Miscellaneous Observations, Proposals and Queries to be Asked the Junto, On Literary Style, On Protection of Towns from Fire, A Man of Sense, Self-Denial Not the Essence of Virtue, The Drinker's Dictionary
Part IV
A Proposal for Promoting Useful Knowledge, An Account on the New Invented Pennsylvania Fireplaces, Plain Truth, Rules for Making Oneself a Disagreeable Companion, Observations Concerning the Increase of Mankind, Peopling of Countries, &c., Felons and Rattlesnakes
Part V
Letter to Joseph Huey, A Parable on Brotherly Love, A Parable Against Persecution, The Albany Plan of Union, A Dialogue between X, Y, and Z, A Letter from Father Abraham to His Beloved Son, The Way to Wealth
Part VI
Of the Meanes of Disposing the Enemie to Peace, Examination before the Committee of the Whole of the House of Commons, On the Price of Corn and Management of the Poor, On the Propriety of Taxing America, Of Lightning, and the Method (Now Used in America) of Securing Buildings and Persons from Its Mischievous Effects, On Smuggling, On Railing and Reviling, A New Version of the Lord's Prayer, Positions to Be Examined
Part VII
An Expostulation, The Rise and Present State of Our Misunderstanding, On Claims to the Soil of America, Rules by Which a Great Empire May Be Reduced to a Small One, An Edict by the King of Prussia, The Declaration of Independence, Comparison of Great Britain and America as to Credit, in 1777
The Ephemera, The Whistle, Dialogue entre La Goute et M. F., Dialogue between Gout and Monsieur Franklin, The Deformed and Handsome Leg, Letter to the Royal Academy of Brussels, Letter to Sarah Bache, Letter to Samuel Mather, The Lev©e, A Petition of the Left Hand, The Morals of Chess