Introduction, The editors
Section 1: On the cartography of functional structure
From modal particle to interrogative marker: A study of German denn, Josef Bayer
Lexical complementizers and headless relatives, Paola Benincà
The theory of syntax and the representation of indexicality, Alessandra Giorgi
Wh-Movement as topic movement, Günther Grewendorf
'Je est un autre.' Subject positions, point of view and the neuter pronoun tet in West Flemish, Jacqueline Guéron and Liliane Haegeman
Number within the DP: A view from Oceanic, Elisabeth Pearce
Mirative and focusing uses of the Catalan particle pla, Gemma Rigau
On the nature of the V2 system in Medieval Romance, Giampaolo Salvi
A note on the Spanish Left Periphery, María Luisa Zubizarreta
Section 2: On movements and constraints
Moving verbal chunks in the low functional field, Adriana Belletti and Luigi Rizzi
Articles as partitives, Ignacio Bosque and M. Carme Picallo
Toward an analysis of French Hyper-Complex Inversion, Richard S. Kayne and Jean-Yves Pollock
Samoan ergativity as double passives, Hilda Koopman
Rivisiting "Suspended Affixation" and other coordinate mysteries, Jaklin Kornfilt
Backward Binding and the C-T phase: A case of Syntactic Haplology, Christer Platzack
On the feature composition of participial light verbs in French, Andrew Radford and Michèle Vincent
A note on dative incompatibility suppression, Henk van Riemsdijk
Hallmarks on Portuguese syntax, Alain Rouveret
Notes on wh in situ in French, Ur Shlonsky
Re re again. What French re shows about VP structures, have and be raising, and the syntax/phonology interface, Dominique Sportiche
The structural object position of verbs and nouns, Knut Tarald Taraldsen
Section 3: On the nature of functional heads
On the double definiteness, aspect, and word order in Old and Modern Scandinavian, Werner Abraham
The order of verbal affixes and functional structure in Imbabura Quichua, Peter Cole and Gabriella Hermon
Number as a Feature, Carmen Dobrovie-Sorin
Which is the extended projection above N?, Joseph Emonds
On the lexical-functional divide: The case of negation, M. Rita Manzini and Leonardo M. Savoia
Diachrony and cartography: Paths of grammaticalisation and the clausal hierarchy, Ian Roberts
Silent Heads, Halldór Ármann Sigurðsson and Joan Maling
Postnominal adjectives in Greek indefinite noun phrases, Melita Stavrou
Afterword, Giulio Lepschy and Lorenzo Renzi