Funding Sources for K-12 Education 2012-2013 - Ed.S. Louis S. Schafer

Funding Sources for K-12 Education 2012-2013

By: Ed.S. Louis S. Schafer (Editor)

Paperback | 21 September 2012 | Edition Number 10

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The 10th edition of the annual directory, Funding Sources for K-12 Education, returns with over 3,000 grants and funding opportunities for classroom projects, books and materials, curriculum and professional development, building construction and/or renovation, cultural education programs, and much more. Programs included in this edition are available for schools, school districts, educators, adult education programs, alternative education programs, and PreK-12 educational organizations seeking grant sources. Also included is "How To Write a Winning Grant," by Louis S. Schafer, Ed.S., which offers essential tips on the grantseeking process.

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