Future Perspectives of Space Plasma and Particle Instrumentation and International Collaborations : AIP Conference Proceedings / Plasma Physics - Masafumi Hirahara

Future Perspectives of Space Plasma and Particle Instrumentation and International Collaborations

By: Masafumi Hirahara (Editor), Yoshizumi Miyoshi (Editor), Naoki Terada (Editor), Toshifumi Mukai (Editor), Iku Shinohara (Editor)

Paperback | 24 June 2009

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Future perspectives on space-borne/ground-based state-of-the-art scientific instruments, exploration space missions, and advanced modeling/simulation methods, are intensively discussed from multilateral viewpoints regarding solar-terrestrial physics, space plasma, upper atmospheric observations for the Earth and planets. In addition to innovative technologies, international collaborations have been getting more essential and crucial factors in the space observations/missions. The novel concept, strategy, and promotion in these international collaborations are also main subjects of this conference.

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