General Claire Lee Chennault And The Flying Tigers : ???????????????? - Robert Young ???

General Claire Lee Chennault And The Flying Tigers


By: Robert Young ???, Shiuan Wei Lo ??? (Artist), ???????

Hardcover | 1 November 2021

At a Glance


RRP $74.79



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A great accomplishment can only be achieved by a great man.

The smoke of World War II, and Japan's invasion of China, has long ago dissipated, but many heroic stories remain.

In the 1930's Japan's military was strong, and China was no rival. But the god of luck seemed to sympathize with China, sending a foreigner who had nothing to do with China - a retired American fighter pilot named Claire Lee Chennault.

Chennault's time in the military was marked by difficulty, including chronic health issues, such as partial deafness caused by prolonged exposure to the noise of plane engines.

Chennault loved flying. In the early 20th century, when bomber theory was main stream, Chennault followed his own unique insights and advocated pursuit aircraft. Sadly, his innovative thinking was ignored.

Soong Mei Ling, wife of Chiang Kai-shek, China's supreme commander at the time, sent an invitation letter to the retired Chennault. This letter changed both Chennault's and China's destiny.

This album of paintings is a tribute, dedicated to General Claire Lee Chennault, Flying Tigers, and all those who were willing to shed their blood and lay down their lives. It is because of their sacrifices and contributions, we may breathe in the air of democracy and freedom today.

The Beauty and Praise of Altruists Foundation

- Founder, Robert Young




1930年代,日本軍力雄厚,中國根本不是對手。但是幸運之神似乎同情中國,賜給她一位與中國毫無關聯的外國人-退休的美國上尉戰鬥機飛行員Claire Lee Chennault(中文名陳納德)。陳納德的軍旅生涯並不如意,且有慢性病的問題,例如長期受到引擎噪音影響,聽力受到損傷。




利他之美基金會 - 創辦人楊宜誠

楊宜誠(Robert Young)出生於台灣,並接受了早期教育,1985年來到美國,在中部密歇根大學獲得計算機科學碩士學位。



Industry Reviews


"It is my fondest hope that the sign of the Flying Tiger will remain aloft just as long as it is needed and it will always be remembered on both shores of the Pacific as the symbol of two great peoples working toward a common goal in war and peace."  - Clarie Lee Chennault 

General Chennault, my grandfather, wrote an autobiography in 1949 on his life's experiences. The last sentence of that book is quoted above. As we celebrate the 80th anniversary of one of his greatest accomplishments, the formation of the Flying Tigers, it is good to reflect on what brought him to the point of such a great accomplishment.

My grandfather worked hard and overcame many obstacles. One of his greatest qualities was that he never gave up on what he believed in and he was rarely satisfied, always feeling he could achieve more.

When he made the decision to go to China, he wrote a letter to his brother he states "Life moves on cycle upon cycle and life must find its justification in accomplishment. When an old well-known path is blocked a new path must be opened." He left his family to go to China telling them he would be gone for three months, he stayed for over 8 years.

When he arrived in China, he was surprised by the devastation he found. He saw a people who were defenseless against a mighty enemy but he saw a people who never gave up and were willing to fight to the very end. He knew he found his justification.

he 80th of anniversary of the Flying Tigers is very important event in the history of China and the U.S. It shows the importance of people who put aside political differences to follow their belief in working together toward a common goal.

The was between the U.S. and Japan before the Flying Tigers even had their first victory but these brave men continued to fight for China for seven more months. They formed relationships that lasted a life time. We are now their voice. Many Chinese and Americans lost their lives fighting together, through their shared blood during a time of war we must build on their bond to make a better future for our generations to come.


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