Geodesign, Urban Digital Twins, and Futures - Elliot Hartley
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Geodesign, Urban Digital Twins, and Futures

By: Elliot Hartley, Paul Cureton

Hardcover | 23 January 2025

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Geodesign, Urban Digital Twins and Futures explores systems, processes and novel technologies for planning, mapping, and designing our built environment. In a period of advancing urban infrastructure, technological autonomy in cities and high-performance geographic systems, new capabilities, novel techniques, and streamlined procedures have emerged concurrently with climatic challenges, pandemics and increasing global urbanization. Chapters cover a range of topics such as Urban Digital Twins, GeoBIM, Geodesign and collaborative tools, immersive environments, gamification, and future methods. This book features over 100 international projects and workflows, five detailed case studies, and a companion website. In addition, this book examines Geodesign as an agent for collaboration alongside futuring methods for imagining and understanding our future world.

Industry Reviews

"Ever since computers were invented, designers have been energised to use them to create more liveable and sustainable cities. But only recently have new methods emerged to help us think about this future. This book introduces those at the cutting edge: new visualisations, information management, digital twins, and geodesign, all mediated in environments where participation is central and essential. This is a book for all those who believe that contemporary computing is essential to the future of urban planning, and that must be all of us."

Michael Batty, Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, University College London

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