Geometry : from Isometries to Special Relativity - Nam-Hoon Lee
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from Isometries to Special Relativity

By: Nam-Hoon Lee

Hardcover | 29 April 2020

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This textbook offers a geometric perspective on special relativity, bridging Euclidean space, hyperbolic space, and Einstein's spacetime in one accessible, self-contained volume. Using tools tailored to undergraduates, the author explores Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometries, gradually building from intuitive to abstract spaces. By the end, readers will have encountered a range of topics, from isometries to the Lorentz-Minkowski plane, building an understanding of how geometry can be used to model special relativity.

Beginning with intuitive spaces, such as the Euclidean plane and the sphere, a structure theorem for isometries is introduced that serves as a foundation for increasingly sophisticated topics, such as the hyperbolic plane and the Lorentz-Minkowski plane. By gradually introducing tools throughout, the author offers readers an accessible pathway to visualizing increasingly abstract geometric concepts. Numerous exercises are also included with selected solutions provided.

Geometry: from Isometries to Special Relativity offers a unique approach to non-Euclidean geometries, culminating in a mathematical model for special relativity. The focus on isometries offers undergraduates an accessible progression from the intuitive to abstract; instructors will appreciate the complete instructor solutions manual available online. A background in elementary calculus is assumed.

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