Get Real!  : Inspiring stories and lessons from the Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation revolution - Michelle Bridges

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Get Real!

Inspiring stories and lessons from the Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation revolution

By: Michelle Bridges

Paperback | 20 November 2013 | Edition Number 1

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Lose weight • Reach goals • Feel fantastic

The Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation has already helped Australians lose over 700,000 kilos!

Now you can go behind the scenes and hear 75 people's amazing life-changing success stories. From the mother and daughter who each lost more than 60 kilos to the bushfire survivor who discovered her 'inner mongrel'; from the 'big guy' dad who lost 45 kilos so he could enjoy being with his kids to the woman who wanted to get fit before 50 and then achieved a personal best in a marathon - these 12WBTers bare all to inspire others to stop making excuses and work their way towards being the best version of themselves.

Alongside these journeys, Michelle also shares:
  • Skills and drills to help you get your head right, eat well and exercise regularly 18 sensational recipes Motivational advice ... and the occasional kick up the butt!
About the Author

Michelle Bridges has worked in the fitness industry for over twenty years as a professional trainer and group fitness instructor. Her key role in Network Ten's hit TV series The Biggest Loser combined with her highly successful online exercise and mindset program, the 12 Week Body Transformation, has connected her with hundreds of thousands of Australians, making her this country's most recognised and influential health and fitness expert. Her bestselling books include Crunch Time, Crunch Time Cookbook, Losing the Last 5 Kilos, 5 Minutes a Day, The No Excuses Cookbook, Everyday Weight Loss and Your Best Body.

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