Get Started in Writing Erotic Fiction : Teach Yourself  - Karin Tabke

Get Started in Writing Erotic Fiction

Teach Yourself

By: Karin Tabke

Paperback | 26 December 2014 | Edition Number 1

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Smart, sassy and full of everything you need to know. This is the ultimate guide to writing - and selling - an erotic novel. It will help you to understand erotica - what it is, and isn't, the subgenres, the conventions, the big do's and don'ts - as well as giving you the inspiration and support you need to actually write. Essentially, over a third of this book contains information on how to sell your book - whether to an agent, to a publisher or directly to the reading public yourself. It features up-to-date insights and advice on self-publishing, both digitally and traditionally, and strategies for self promotion using blogs, social media and reviews. Full of practical tips and creative inspiration from a bestselling novelist, this book is all you need to turn yourself into the next EL James.

About the Author

Judith Watts is a Senior Lecturer in Publishing at Kingston University and has also worked in traditional publishing houses. She's an editor and a published poet, performing erotic verse for a range of unsuspecting audiences. Mirren Baxter has taught creative writing for years and works with small groups of writers to develop their manuscripts towards publication.
Industry Reviews
Packed with excellent advice in an easy to follow structure, Get Started in Erotic Fiction provides the aspiring writer of erotica with all the tools to not only write their own erotic novel but also get it published - Evie Blake - Evie Blake

An excellent guidebook for the aspiring writer of erotica. - Evie Blake - Evie Blake

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