Ghrelin is a 28-amino acid acylated peptide predominantly produced by the stomach. It displays strong GH-releasing activity mediated by the hypothalamus-pituitary GH secretagogue (GHS)-receptors specific for
synthetic GHS. Ghrelin also acts on other central and peripheral receptors and enables other actions including: stimulation of lactotroph and corticotroph secretion; food-intake; gastro-entero-pancreatic functions; metabolic;
cardiovascular activity; and anti-proliferative effects. This volume aims to highlight the impact and function of the hormone ghrelin and provide insight to neuroendocrinologies and researchers interested in its molecular and
clinical relevance.
Industry Reviews
`Exemplifying the rapid advance of science, the discovery of GHRELIN a few short years ago has already profoundly influenced our understanding of growth, appetite and nutrition biology as well as clinical insights into obesity, growth and reproductive pathogenesis. Accordingly, the editor, a pioneer in clinical ghrelin investigation, has assembled an expert team of authors who bring cutting edge anExemplifying the rapid advance of science, the discovery of GHRELIN a few short years ago has already profoundly influenced our understanding of growth, appetite and nutrition biology as well as clinical insights into obesity, growth and reproductive pathogenesis. Accordingly, the editor, a pioneer in clinical ghrelin investigation, has assembled an expert team of authors who bring cutting edge and comprehensive basic and clinical knowledge to the reader. This volume will be of interest to endocrinologists, nutritionists, internists, and pediatricians. Clearly, the volume will be of special interest to neurophysiologists, who now find themselves in the midst of a new world of nutritional control! Shlomo Melmed, M.D. Series Editor Endocrine Updatesd comprehensive basic and clinical knowledge to the reader. This volume will be of interest to endocrinologists, nutritionists, internists, and pediatricians. Clearly, the volume will be of special interest to neurophysiologists, who now find themselves in the midst of a new world of nutritional control!'
Shlomo Melmed, M.D., Series Editor "Endocrine Updates"